Friday, October 25, 2013

I Know You're Out There.....

It’s really hard for me to imagine but I just passed my second anniversary writing this blog.  I had no idea when I started if I’d be able to keep it up, but I just passed 139 posts.  I’ve also just passed the 10,500 visitors mark.  That means over ten thousand people have visited my blog, or one person ten thousand times…etc., etc.  

Which brings me to an obvious question: 

Who are all of you??  I don’t know ten thousand people (or 50 dedicated people, etc., etc.)!!!

Although it may exist, there is no software program that I know about, or that I could very likely operate, that would tell me the names and locations of everyone who stops by my blog.  There are some general things I can tell from the diagnostics that I have available.  I have a reader in the Ukraine, three in China, one in Jamaica and one in England (Thank you, Phillip).   74% of my readers use windows, and 45% visit me via Firefox.  I can usually tell when I have a new reader because I see the older posts being perused.  Right now I think someone in Germany is reading the novella, Stalk, that I wrote last year.  Thank you for visiting!

Blogging is a very personal thing, and because of that it’s been rather difficult for me.  It’s one thing to write advertising copy or stories about other people; quite another to put my own thoughts and experiences down for others to read.  I’m an introverted extrovert…if there is such a thing.  My work life has always forced me to be ‘out there’…but people who really know me understand that I’m rather introverted when I don’t have a microphone or podium in front of me.  Writing about other people is a privilege…writing about me, not so much.

Another thing I wonder about is the lack of comments. I know it was technically difficult at first to leave comments on the blog…I heard over and over that is didn’t work.  I think I have that fixed now, but people still don’t often leave comments.  Is that good?  Is that bad?  Are readers speechless because the post is so good?....because the post is so bad?   How can there be 10,500 visits and only a dozen comments?  The other thing in “blog-speak” that has me mystified is “followers”.   I have 14….that’s curious with so many visitors, isn’t it?

It’s not possible to determine how many ‘unique’ visits are in that number or, as I said earlier, if one person has visited Unremarkable Woman ten thousand times.  I can’t believe that all the bloggers haven’t banded together to demand a system that registers who and how many times someone reads the blog.  Maybe I’m the only person who’s actually curious about that……could be.

Everyone says we are communicating less in this day and age, but in truth I think we are all trying harder to communicate, with more people, than we ever have.   I have a zillion Facebook friends.  They’re people I’d never had contacted any other way, some I’d lost touch with over the years, and recent acquaintances, too.  I love being able to keep up with so many people, their families and their lives.  I talk to several people by text every day; being a person who loathes the telephone this is a wonderful way for me to touch base with them.  I actually feel more connected because of the electronic media, not less!

I will continue my blog as long as there is anything in me that I believe is remotely worth pouring out.  I will never know who all of you are, but somehow it still makes me happy to know that I have ever-so-slightly touched your lives.  

     Thank you for visiting and please feel free to share The Life and Times of an Unremarkable Woman…..whoever you are.

                                                                        Life is Good  

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