Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What in the world???


Of all the things we have lost in this country I think the loss of a community sense of shame has got to be the most devastating.

If you watched the music awards show the other evening I hope you were appalled.   I hope you became so irate you wrote a scathing letter to MTV, your congressman, the Alliance of Ministers…..somebody!!

The “performance” of Miley Cyrus was the most disgusting thing I’ve seen in a long, long time….and I didn’t even watch the show!   All I had to do was watch any news program and there it was.  It’s not bad enough this “Sodom and Gomorrah” set to music performance was on once, but it’s being shown over and over.  I’m sure it has gone exactly as planned.

People on TV lament the fact that Miley chose to act this way.  They make it sound as if it were her idea; on the spur of the moment she came up with this tongue lolling, sex reenactment on her own.  Not so.

Miley Cyrus was performing a carefully choreographed “dance routine” that was created by some ‘professional’ who was trying to get a response.  She was paired with other celebrated deviants on the stage, and she’s just young enough and dumb enough to go along with it.

The people at MTV know perfectly well what they are doing because they do it every year.  This stuff is aimed at YOUR twelve year old…MY nine year old grandchildren…the ten, eleven and twelve year old ‘tweens’ who are impressionable, their minds like sponges. 

I firmly believe this type of programming makes those producers, choreographers, and executives nothing better than child predators!  They fashion this porn, put it to ‘music’ with obscene and degrading lyrics, then put it out there for these young kids to watch and emulate.   Many of our children are forming their beliefs using information from a universe that doesn’t even exist.  We allow them to sit in a near hypnotic state and watch this flickering porn to their hearts content.   The sexualization of our children begins the moment they are parked in front of the television and doesn’t stop there.   It’s todays music, advertising, movies, and youth programming as well.  It is an epidemic.

How sad the world that inherits the children that are being spoon fed this nasty broth.  Do not let these people walk thru the minds of your precious children with their dirty feet!  Turn off the noise, turn off the ugliness, and turn off the TV!!

The absolute trash that impersonates entertainment today benefits only those who perform it; but they wouldn’t make a dime from it if there were not people that are willing to hand over their money for the privilege of watching and listening.

I really hope someday Miley Cyrus grows enough to look back on this with shame; the people who are using her to make money very likely will not.

                                                         Life is good



  1. I couldn't agree more Diana. Well said.

  2. Interestingly enough, on the very day that program aired, I began a week-long "fast" from media. (And by reading your blog, I'm breaking the fast! Plus, I must use my computer since I'm a writer) A group of women from my church are reading the book "7" by Jen Hatmaker. The author identifies 7 "areas of excess" in life and spends a month looking/praying/considering how she can reduce the excesses, and how that can benefit others in need. Example: for food month, she chooses just 7 foods to eat. Only 7 foods! It's a fascinating read and has caused me to further reevaluate what I "need" in this life. So ... by fasting from as much media as I can this week, I am watching no TV and missed Miley altogether. Which proves your point, Diana. We would do well to cut this garbage from our lives! Bravo for your honest post!
