Not long ago I was thrust into the role of ‘people watcher’
while waiting for a friend. During that
half hour I arrived at some very definite fashion ideas I would like to share
with you. I'm not being judgemental...I'm just sayin' :

I think manufacturers should consider putting age tags in
grownup clothes the same as they do for infants and toddlers. Instead of 0 to 12 months a tag might say
20-Y to 34 years. If you see 2T inside
the collar of a shirt you have a good idea if this is the right size for your
grandson. By the same token, a tag that
says 18-Y to 24-Y inside a bikini might lead you to the understanding that a
bright pink bikini might not be the right choice for your 56 year old keester. Some women need that kind of help, and I saw
a lot of them. A good alternative might
be to require a prescription to purchase a leather halter top.

I did not see one hair style that made me change my long
standing opinion that hair color should be confined to colors found in
nature. Personally I don’t like purple
hair, green or blue stripes, or cotton candy pink. I’m not at all creative when it comes to hair…mine
or anyone else’s. I think clean and
combed is enough to satisfy my hair requirements, so it’s probably a good thing
I’m not in charge.

Finally I am left with this last question. Why would anyone wear clothes that do not fit
them comfortably? My bet is that most of
the folks that walked past me were in search of another pair of slacks/jeans in
the same ill-fitting size they had on.
Muffin tops and tortured seams were the order of the day….but why? Just because you can stuff your frame into a
ten doesn’t mean you should….and it
sure doesn’t mean you’re a ten!!
Clothing that fits properly is much more attractive on everyone, and I’m not just nagging the women. Too many men wear jeans that fit under an expanding belly. The result is back pockets that rest just above the red stripe on the dudes white tube socks. Not an exciting look.
Clothing that fits properly is much more attractive on everyone, and I’m not just nagging the women. Too many men wear jeans that fit under an expanding belly. The result is back pockets that rest just above the red stripe on the dudes white tube socks. Not an exciting look.
There must be some middle ground between wearing a tuxedo
and going out of the house looking like the cast of Duck Dynasty. Let’s look for it before it’s too late,
America. It’s getting ugly out there!!
Life is Good
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