I’m an early riser…always have been. This morning, about five a.m. I was up before
the coffee pot timer went on. After switching that on I had time for one of
my favorite morning things; I went to get our one-year old Chorkie, Maddie, out
of her kennel.
Maddie is a cuddler…my kind of dog. After snuggling for a bit, I put her electronic
collar in place and headed to the back door.
These chilly late fall mornings are very dark where I live, so we keep a
battery-operated lantern by the back door.
Maddie and I stepped into the inky blackness, me waving my lantern in
front so frighten off any critters that might be in search of food…or puppies.
Instead of her usual charge ahead on the sidewalk, Maddie “woofed”,
snuffed a late blooming flower under the dining room window, the returned to my
side. It was unusual, but a car snaked
quietly around the corner, the headlights raking over the two of us as Maddie
decided it was okay to head out into the side yard after all. Mission
accomplished, we went back into the house.
Time passed, my husband joined us on the couch for coffee. As we sat watching the news the electric eye at
our front door bell detected motion. It
was only a quarter to six, so Larry went to check that out. Finding nothing
that should have tripped the sensor, he eventually checked the video camera to
find a young male wearing a hoodie and gloves had been trying our front
door. Hmmmm……an unexpected guest?
Daylight prompted a more thorough investigation that
produced a torn/cut window screen on one window, another removed from the frame
in the dining room window. The would-be burglar dropped some money as he
removed screens, or perhaps as he fled when I came out the back door; we may be
the only place that cost him money. Either
way I hope his evening of thievery costs him more than the eight bucks he
dropped here.
Later when a nice young police officer showed up at our door
we turned the “candid camera” picture over to him. Another officer fingerprinted windows and
doors, taking notes as they explained there was a rash of break ins all around
us last night. Seems this group, the
Future Felons of America, went into houses, stealing and frightening people,
for blocks around.
I pride myself on learning something from every experience,
and this is no exception. Lesson One:
Never go out into the dark unless you are prepared to defend yourself
(and your puppy). I won't make that mistake again. Lesson Two:
Fingerprint powder is very, very difficult to remove from window
frames. Lesson Three: Always lock your
doors and windows. Always.
There’s something I’d also like to share with the fella’s
who tried so diligently to get into our house early this morning: There is nothing
in this house, either money or possessions, that is worth your life…but the
lives within these four walls are worth defending at any cost. Understand that.
Life is Good
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