If you’re a dog lover you know how difficult it is to let go
of a long time, four-legged, family member.
That’s just what my husband and I had to do last month with our 17-year-old
Yorkie, Molly. Just like every family dog on the planet, Molly was unique. She was loving and long suffering and spoiled
rotten…and we loved her.
Larry and I find ourselves at the stage of life where many
couples don’t take on another furry friend.
The adage, “Life begins when the kids move out and the dog dies”, is
very true. For just a moment the thought
crossed our minds that this might be the doorway to the freedom years. No more waiting in the rain for a dog to
complete its mission…no more bounding out of bed to the unmistakable sound of a
dog hiking up a hair ball, or a dead mouse, or whatever disgusting thing it’s
digestive tract might be expelling.
The siren song of freedom lasted exactly two days. That’s how long it took our girls to take
their mother on a puppy hunting mission.
And guess what? We found one.
We had promised ourselves not to make the same mistakes we
made with Molly, so Maddie is being crate trained. In truth it sounds more like crate torture
because she screams most of the night.
The only pay off seems to be that her exhausting nights keep her
sleeping much of the day…. a side effect I can live with.
To corral the critter, we went on line to find a reasonably
attractive baby gate to use until she is trained. After carefully measuring we decided on the
expensive, but less obnoxious, wood and metal version with a door in it. The
thought was we would let her sleep in the kitchen, allowing her to come and go
from the crate, thus giving her the feeling she had her own little “home”. Isn’t that sweet? As we patted ourselves on the back for this
great plan after finding and installing this piece of art, Maddie walked right
through the bars and stood watching our progress from the other side.
Not to be outdone, Larry squared his shoulders as he headed
to the basement to find something to help us out. He returned with a roll of fine, plastic
screen which we carefully wove through the wooden bars to create a particularly
ugly barrier. Maddy climbed over the
screen. A second layer of screen
blocked the bars entirely, but it wasn’t until the next morning we discovered
she could weasel her way between the carefully woven layers. I found
her blissfully asleep in a pair of my husband’s athletic shoes under his desk
in the den.
Without adding barbed wire I can't see a useful future for this gate. Until further discussion it will remain where it is, flapping uselessly in the tail wind created as Maddie blows thru the kitchen at warp speed. This useless piece of equipment gives our kitchen the look of someone preparing for a terrorist attack, but it is what it is.
Maddie-2, Humans-0
Three weeks into this experiment in forming a new family
unit we are enjoying a vigorous exercise program that consists of taking Maddie
out every hour, chasing her down and clearing her mouth of mulch, and fending
off her little shark teeth (I clipped her fish hook toenails).
Like the pain of childbirth, I know the pain of
housebreaking and training will pass. I
will forget the gnawed shoes and the ravaged socks, and my defense wounds will
heal. There will come a time in the
months ahead when it will no longer be necessary to type with one hand and fend
the dog off with the other. And, best of
all, I won’t have to keep the carpet cleaner on speed dial. This too, in time, shall pass as I keep my eye
on the prize.
It is my nature to reflect on the events of my life, and I’ve
decided the challenge of adjusting to a new puppy is just a short story about
life. You cannot replace a loved one, but
you need to move on. It will be painful
at first…but like breaking in a pair of shoes the new normal becomes more
comfortable with time. Like it or not, pain
and joy is the cycle of life. Add to
that puppy breath and you know things are going to be just fine.
Life is Good
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