I think for the first time I understand why some animals hibernate. Bears gorge themselves on berries, plants, and any slower animals they happen upon in preparation. They pile on a thick layer of fat, then simply curl up and sleep. All in all not a bad way to diet.
Although I spent the fall months bulking up as if I were planning a long fast, I have remained awake. In the few hours of watery daylight we seem to eek out at this time of year I feel lethargic at best. Most mornings it is nearly dark when I leave the house, often it is dark when I return. By seven pm I feel as if I've been up for days, and my instincts tell me it is time to sleep, sleep, sleep. With the same helpless feelings I experienced fighting insomnia over the last forty years, I now find myself dealing with a desire to sleep ten hours a day.

Nothing had changed when we left for vacation last year at this time. No medicine, no diet changes, no exercise program....nothing was different. We headed south, and our first night we stayed at a beautiful new hotel. I admired the lovely room, crawled into what looked like an acre of white linen, and slept like a baby for the first time in a very long time.
The next morning I felt something strange; eventually I realized this foreign feeling was what some people referred to as 'rested'. I chalked it up to the hotel bed. It only confirmed what I've always firmly believed....hotel bedding comes straight from heaven and cannot be purchased by mere mortals.
We arrived at our destination and proceeded to enjoy the sun, the sand, and doing nothing. A couple of days passed before it dawned on me that I had continued to sleep through the night. I wasn't the first one up to make coffee...and I had missed the sunrise! What in the world?
That whole vacation time I was afraid to look at my sleeping experience too closely for fear I'd screw it up. Before I knew it we were heading home...and I seemed to be leaving my insomnia in the rear view mirror.
And so, here I am one year later fighting off my desire to hibernate. I am convinced I could crawl into bed on October 31st and rub the sleep from my eyes on April 1st. I no longer get up at two a.m. to write, I don't haunt the internet hoping for a sleepless Facebook friend to chat with. The only down side I can find is I now have six fewer hours each day to work with. I can live with that.
If I had a clue as to why this change has occurred I would share the wealth with the multitude of women my age who complain of being unable to sleep, or stay asleep, every single night. I don't have a magic potion...all I have to share with you is the hope that one day you will wake up rested and refreshed. It may take you a while to identify the feeling....but once you get used to it you'll love it.
I don't try to explain it and I don't question it. I know my night-prowling insomnia can return whenever it wants to...so I don't look a gift horse (or a hibernating bear) in the mouth.
Life is Good
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