Over the last few weeks I have been dealing with a couple of people (who shall remain nameless) who seem to have given up on life. Personal loss, advancing age, boredom, depression...all of these things seem to have converged and the joy of living has dimmed, if not gone completely out.
One person told me, "I agree with Jody Arias on TV. She was being interviewed and she said she just wanted to die. She told the reporter death is the ultimate freedom." Although I have long become accustomed to this persons dark point of view, I admit to being taken aback. In response I gave the standard "buck up, it's not that bad" speech that I could see had little or no effect. Words failed me; I left feeling helpless and more than a little sad.
How do you help a person who seems to have given up on this life? Is it even possible to explain to someone in such a mental state that every second of life is precious? It brought to my mind the people I have known, and some I know right now, who are fighting for their lives. Would these two realize how precious their lives are if they actually thought they had only a short time to live?
I'm a grown up; I know the universe isn't based upon what's "fair". But, if it were, it seems to me there ought to be a system akin to cell phone 'roll over minutes' for our life span. Let's imagine that we all knew how much time we are allotted, but that time could be cut short by accident or disease or personal choice. Mr. Smith has the regulation 86.4 years to live, but by the age of 66 he really isn't interested in continuing. He has another 20.4 years left on his universal contract, right? It just so happens that Mrs. Jones, age 24, has a disease that will be her end in just a few more months. Mr. Smith offers her his remaining 20.4 years that he no longer wants. Those years 'roll over' to Mrs. Jone's universal contract and....voila! Happy ending.

I am grateful for every sunrise....mindful of every sunset.
Life is Good
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