Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Swinging into a new year....

        The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee


The first day of a new year feels like a clean slate.  Of course it’s not; the bills that were on the counter last evening are still there this morning and the problems that plagued us all year are still firmly in place.  But, just for a moment, let’s assume one can start over on the first day of a new year….what would I really change?

Hmmmmm…..I wouldn’t trade husbands.  I wouldn’t change my children or grandchildren one fraction of an inch.  I love working on the magazine.  No change needed there.

To be honest, when I think about changes for the New Year they are all to repair shortcomings in myself:   De-junk closets and the basement and stop being such a pack-rat….seems doable.   Buckle down and finish the two books I’ve started so I can enjoy serializing them on my blog….very possible.    I want to take the time to sit down and find out how I can get a web page started to house “The life and times of an unremarkable woman”….I even know the talented lady (Kym Lamb) I need to sit down with to discuss that.  I want to make 2013 the year I grow friendships.   I enjoy my “girl time” and I want to nurture the friendships that are important to me.   And then, off course, there are the obligatory ‘lose weight, get more exercise, early to bed/early to rise’ things I promise to do every year.

Looking back over my list I see the New Year’s list of a woman who is very fortunate.   For the most part the changes I need to make simply require buckling down and making the most of the next twelve months.   To set the stage for rose smelling and taking the time to relax with friends Larry and I had a pergola built over the back deck.  I’m going to finally have something I’ve wanted for a long, long time.  When the weather breaks, that back deck will be the setting for a new wooden porch swing.  It will hang from chains and boast a patchwork pad on the seat just like my Grandmother made.  It’s something I enjoyed as a child; sitting in the porch swing with my grandmother or my cousin and watching the summer go by.    This time I will be the grandmother swinging with her grandchild, discussing the world with her husband, laughing with a friend.  It may sound simple, but I think the year ahead looks very inviting as I contemplate swinging on the porch.

I am very aware that my list of changes is also a list of blessings.  Like everyone I only need the one thing I’m not in charge of to make it happen……time.   I will have to give that some thought when I’m sitting in the porch swing.   Happy New Year
                                                                             Life is Good


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