Authentic…not false or copied; genuine; real: having the origin supported by unquestionable evidence; authenticated; verified; conforming to an original.
It is so easy for us to tell one another “be yourself”…….how many times have I said to someone, “just be who you are!” But how many of us actually follow our own advice?
Recently I’ve had some health issues that have held my attention; for a while it looked as if I might be introduced to a drug that would cost me my hair. I was assured it would grow back in, but it gave me pause to wonder what color my hair might be, and what would the texture be? I’ve heard women say their hair came back white, or curly or straight after some treatments. How would I look totally bald….and how would I look when the hair grew back?
At the moment I seem to have dodged the “hair loss drug” bullet, but this has set me on a new path. My last trip to the hairdresser I told Casey I wanted to let my hair go natural. You must understand that I have no idea what “natural “ is….I haven’t seen my own hair color in so many years that I have no idea what that might be. I do know, however, a good part of it is going to be white.
Casey is a wonderful hairdresser….she’s given me some of the best “hair years” of my life. I know my hair color epiphany took her completely by surprise. She studied me from the left. She studied me from the right. She ran her hand up the back of my head and finally said, “Well, you have a young face so I think you can pull it off.”
I have not arrived at this decision without giving it a great deal of thought. I realize I will most likely look “older”……but then I AM older! A little color from a dish and brush doesn’t convince anyone I’m 25…least of all me. No…I want to let my hair be the color it actually is because that's part of who I actually am. It’s really just as simple as that.
The last few years have been a wonderful journey of retirement from a long broadcast career….discovering the outdoors, kayaking and beachcombing….then becoming reacquainted with my love of the written word. I have been fortunate to have a friend who opened a door to me that I never would have found. That is my involvement with Heart of Ohio Magazine.
Perhaps it’s an age thing…perhaps it comes from taking time to think about things because of my recent health issues…but the fact is I want to be authentic in all areas of my life. I want to be me. Having said that, I know I have some “ugly hair” days ahead. Every woman reading this will understand the trauma associated with letting your hair grow out of a bad cut…let alone letting it grow to its natural state after years of coloring.
There are some things that could change my mind. I have my husband to consider; if he sees the white haired me and says “Whoa!” I may not be as inclined to be quite as “authentic”.

Or, if the two of us are at dinner and a waiter says, " and what will your mother be having?"....all bets are off. Like every female on the planet I reserve the right to change my mind without notice.

Or, if the two of us are at dinner and a waiter says, " and what will your mother be having?"....all bets are off. Like every female on the planet I reserve the right to change my mind without notice.
It’s a little thing. It’s a big thing. It’s an authentic thing. I’ll just be the short, unobtrusive woman in the babushka for the next six months.
Well, you can guess MY comment: go for it! I just don't get what the heck is so horrible about going gray.
ReplyDelete- the unashamed gray granny