Our manic dependency upon our electronic devices was
brought sharply home when my semi-hysterical granddaughter ran into the house
to tell the group gathered in the family room that her cell phone was at the
bottom of the pond. This latest acquisition,
just a week old, had all her contacts, her pictures on a chip, her messages ,
emails, and probably all her hopes and dreams in its slender case…..AAAAAAAHHHHRRRRRRRGGGGGH!!!!
Oh the humanity…..

If you have your iPhone or iPad with you it seems you have your whole family in there too. I know people who watch their grandchildren grow over SKYPE sessions……parents who keep an eye on their children who are home alone with face time. One couple I know doesn’t let working in two distant cities prevent them from having lunch “together”. They chat over their lunches while looking at each other over the internet.
When is the last time you went through a complete day
without having someone display an “album” of photos they just happen to have
with them? As you swoosh through their
smart phone pages the whole family is on display. How convenient that you no longer have to wait for someone to lure
you to their home with the promise of a great spaghetti sauce where they just
happen to have their vacation photos loaded into six carousels for the old
projector when dinner is over. Today
those four thousand fascinating vacation photos just happen to be in his hip
pocket as you stopped at the water cooler.
Security systems have advanced to the point that you can “walk”
through your home from wherever you are just to check things out….and it’s a great
way to keep an eye on Fido, too. It’s
also a smart check in with the babysitter, or grandma when she’s not feeling
well. Camera systems aren’t technically
beyond us any longer because they’ve been made so simple to install and
operate. Just like the ancient reptile
of the order Testudines, we are now technological turtles carrying our homes
with us.

I’m just as guilty if
not more of “turtle-ing”. I always have
my iPhone on me, and usually my iPad as well.
Every face I love beams at me from the backlit screen, and I can scroll
through every phone number I ever used.
These things that mean so much
to me could bore another adult human being into semi consciousness in less than
fifteen minutes; I keep them to myself unless someone asks to see. Even back in the low tech days I was not one
of those parents who could pull a string of plastic windows filled with school
pictures and birthday smiles out of my purse.
I think it’s inhumane to do that to some poor unsuspecting person who
happens across your path. I keep my turtle-ing
to myself….but it’s refreshing to know that I can call up the memory and a
picture of a wonderful kayak trip to a favorite spot whenever I want to. I just happen to have forty or fifty of
those shots with me at any given time if you’re interested……….
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