With the internet the whole world is at your fingertips, just waiting for a credit card number. Baskets from the jungle, capri pants made from drapes from a castle in Germany, purses made by itinerant palm wavers in Istanbul. It's all out there............
Two weeks ago I found myself tempted by a new on-line offering called FAB. While I like to buy locally whenever I can, this was a problem solver I couldn't resist. These folks had an iPad cover with a built in battery that was purported to extend the life of your iPad by up to 60%. If, like me, you're an iPad addict you know the newest version eats battery life. That beautiful screen clarity comes at a price; I found myself living at the end of the little white cord much too often.
The FAB ad showed up in my email one day when I was waiting for my iPad to charge....I sat drumming my fingers on the table as my impatience grew. So I read the email and boy was I interested! For only $45.00 I could have backup that would go with me. I'm IN!!!
In just four working days my beautiful, supple, peddle leather finish tablet cover arrived; I couldn't wait to charge it and tuck my iPad safely inside. It's guaranteed to work with every model of iPad....what could possibly go wrong?
I freely admit to being a techo-klutz. My knowledge is sketchy to say the least....but even I could tell these adaptors and plugs were not going to work. I switched and pushed and tugged to no avail. As I rummaged through the see though box for an adaptor that had no place to hide I realized I'd screwed up.....this cover works with every iPad on the planet except mine.
I read the packing invoice and at the bottom it was plainly marked "This is a final sale item". Rats!!
I went into the "you got what you deserve for being dumb enough to buy from the internet" internal rant I can always count on. When my inner demon finally ran out of vitriol I decided to write the internet company and explain my problem. I'm not a great believer that customer service still exists anywhere in the world....but what the heck.
This was on a Sunday, but I went to the FAB website and finally found a "this is how you can get to us" button. I wrote, explaining that I read the 'will work with any iPad' sentence and didn't realize I was the only person on the planet excluded. Did I get the cover missing a plug? Did something fall out of the box as it made it's way to me from someplace deep inside China? What's up with this?
Actually, I was a little more formal, but not much. Not thirty minutes later I got an email that said someone was working on my problem. I got another follow up email from another person an hour later. By Monday afternoon I got the following email from a FAB representative:
Hi Diana,
Thank you so much for your patient understanding. I truly wish I was the bearer of better news.
I just heard back about the status of the replacement for the defective item you received. My best understanding is that this specific Folio iPad Case is likely defective regarding your specific iPad generation. Unfortunately, there aren't enough of these designs available for us to get you a new one. I know this is a double whammy of bad news, and I'm so bummed it was a part of your Fab experience.
I'm really sorry that I couldn't come through for you on this one, and I still want to make sure you're taken care of. You should never pay for something that doesn't work - that would be such a rip off! I'm going to make sure you're issued a full refund of $45, back to your credit card. It may take 5-10 business days for the refund to appear on your card.
The case is yours to keep and do with as you see best. Perhaps a loved one with a different iPad could use it, or at the least, it could be donated. Whatever makes you happy.
I'm so upset that this design could not be replaced, and want the chance to show you a better experience in the future. I've added a $10 Fab credit to your account, to make you smile, and bring a bit of happiness into your day.
If there's anything else you need, I'm always here via email or at xxx.xxxx.xxxx and personally at your service.
Can you imagine my surprise to get not just an answer....but a GOOD answer?? The folio will fit my older iPad just fine, and it is likely my own stupidity and inexperience that created the problem. But these folks are willing to put their money where their mouth is and work to keep a customer. I might add that I will be a good customer in the future because of this amazing service!
Since I never hesitate to express my dismay, I just wanted to share with you my surprise and delight at finding not just an innovative web-company but one that follows through and delivers!
If you get the chance, go to FAB.com and check out all the original things they have for sale. They certainly have my endorsement...............
Life is Good